MyEllevate® (the Zoom Neck Lift)

The effects of age and or hereditary factors all impact the neck’s appearance, and can cause your neck to look older than the rest of you, especially your face. For this reason, any enhancement made to the neck can deliver remarkable results that take years off your appearance. Dr. Iannitelli’s patients love how this simple minimally invasive procedure can make a dramatic difference in their overall appearance.

The MyEllevate® neck lift enhances the neck’s natural contours, where banding and muscle laxity has developed. Vertical bands along the front of the neck appear when the underlying muscles lose their shape and tone. By removing the affected muscle and rejoining or suturing the muscles of the neck together, a neck lift procedure can create a smooth, defined neck and chin contour. These muscle bands mainly control the skin of the neck and are safe to augment.

MyEllevate® is a minimally invasive procedure that provides the same level of results to lift and reshape the neck as an open surgical platysmaplasty (neck band removal) with no general or IV anesthesia. Not only is the MyEllevate® procedure minimally invasive, it also requires minimal downtime.

Add Renuvion to your MyEllevate® procedure

Renuvion is a minimally-invasive procedure that provides an excellent and much more effective alternative to other skin tightening treatments for the neck. Renuvion skin tightening and MyEllevate® work together towards better, faster and less invasive facial rejuvenation results.

Renuvion with or without liposuction and MyEllevate® make a perfect combination for patients wanting a rejuvenated look, with almost no downtime, and many patients have incredible things to say about it. Additionally If you have fat under your chin Dr. Iannitelli will remove the fat using High Definition Liposuction and then proceed with Renuvion and MyEllevate®.

Renuvion applies radiofrequency energy and helium plasma causing controlled coagulation and therefore contraction of soft tissue below the skin, quickly and gently, as part of a minimally invasive procedure. It provides faster recovery and lower risk, just like MyEllevate®, and that’s one of the many reasons the two or three procedures work so well together.

The modalities work together to achieve neck and jawline tightening. High Definition Liposuction (HDL) removes the fat, Renuvion helps the skin contract, and the MyEllevate® suture lifts the muscles to create a cleaner neck angle. The results are much more dramatic together than each modality alone.

Patients are really impressed with this winning combination procedure. It will take from 6-9 months to see your finished shape. Your shape will be dramatically improved and there is little downtime or discomfort.

MyEllevate®, Renuvion and HDL combined, gives patients a better, less invasive option to treat neck laxity and heaviness.

MyEllevate® is a minimally invasive facial rejuvenation solution that offers natural and long-lasting results. When combined with Renuvion it’s the ultimate synergy with energy!

Book your consultation today with Dr Iannitelli to see if you are a good candidate for MyEllevate®, Renuvion and/or High Definition Liposuction!

(623) 432-8357