The word “chemical” may elicit a cringe or two, especially when it pertains to something that’ll be in contact with your skin. However, chemical peels are among the most effective ways to achieve smooth, gorgeous-looking skin. Over the years, experts developed a diverse variety of chemical peels, ensuring that even those with special skin types can enjoy their benefits.
What is a chemical peel for?
If you are over 25 or have had a bad case of acne, you most probably have lines and scars you’d rather not see on your face. Wrinkles and blemishes can make your face look old or unhealthy, and may even have an adverse effect on your self-confidence. The right foundation and makeup can do wonders, but they can only hide so much for so long. Nothing beats skin that’s truly free from wrinkles and discoloration.
Chemical peels are chemical substances applied on the skin to exfoliate and peel off its upper layers. This brings out the tender, fresher-looking skin underneath. With continuous use, chemical peels effectively reduce the appearance of unwanted lines, scars, and other blemishes.
What are the different types of chemical peels?
There are three basic kinds of chemical peels:
1. Superficial or light peel
This is the gentlest type of chemical peel. It uses mild acids like alpha hydroxy (AHA) and beta hydroxy acids (BHA), including lactic acid and salicylic acid to exfoliate the uppermost layer of the skin. Extracts from fruits like pineapple and papaya may also be used to introduce antioxidants that help in creating healthy skin cells. This type of peel is quick, painless, and has no recovery time needed. It may cause brief flaking of the skin, but this can be concealed with makeup.
Use it for:
- Fine lines
- Shallow scars
- Mild discoloration
- Rough skin on face and hands
2. Medium peel
This treatment is derived from glycolic and trichloroacetic acid (TCA). It penetrates deeper into the skin, offering significant results at the cost of discomfort and ample recovery time. You may feel a stinging sensation that can last up to an hour after the treatment. As your skin recovers over several days, your face may also appear swollen and feel itchy, as well as show considerable peeling. Your face may also look pinkish for up to six weeks after the treatment.
Use it for:
- Wrinkles
- Sun damage
- Age spots and freckles
- Certain precancerous growths
3. Deep peel
This treatment uses phenol or string TCA to penetrate up to the dermal layers, causing dramatic improvement in the color and texture of your skin. Be warned though: this treatment can be performed only once. It is painful (some patients need to be sedated) and may leave your face feeling burnt for a lengthy period. It may cause your face to scab, too. On the upside, the effects of this treatment are permanent.
Use it for:
- Sun damage
- Deep scarring
- Deep lines
- Wrinkles
As with many treatments, chemical peels can cause adverse reactions, especially if you are allergic to the peeling agent used on your skin. You may also experience heightened sensitivity to sunlight in the peeled areas. Be sure to get assistance from a skin expert so you can get the most out of chemical peels.
If you’re interested in Chemical Peel procedure offered at Advanced Image Med Spa, fill out our form to book an appointment or call us today (623) 432-8357